Saturday, December 29, 2012


Meet Bear!  Bear is a 1 1/2 year old Pomeranian cross, not sure          
with what, but he is a cutie!  He belongs to a 92
year old resident of our park and we have taken
 to walking him as often as we can.  He loves to walk and he loves to run.  We leave him on a retractable lead and he runs circles around us, back and forth between us.  Together we walk between 2 and 4 miles a day, two in the morning and two at night.  Caper used to be able to walk this distance, but now that he is blind and since his stroke, we don't push him as hard. 
Bear weighs surprisingly only 6 pounds,  He is all hair, but does not shed.  When clean and dry, his coat is a fluffy blonde.  I love his tail that curls up over his back, which makes me believe he has some Shihtzu in his blood.  Nice to walk and then return to his owner...a retired Abbotsford nurse.

Winter Wonderland Dec 29, 2012 in Chilliwack BC

 It snows in Chilliwack!  Up til now we have had rain every day except maybe five!  Today, Dec 19th, it snowed and made the campground a winter fairyland!  In all, we got about 20 cm os the white stuff, enough that the campground manager needed to use the backhoe to clear the roadway around the camp.  It was wet and heavy...we didn't need to drive anywhere, so other than walk dogs, we watched the snow blanket everything from inside.  Glad we have waterproof winter boots, our rain/wind pants and our raincoats with fleeces...need to layer in the damp cold.  It sure was beautiful!  The next day, it rained and everything was slush and slop.  Gradually, the snow disappeared, although there was a little left on the grass for Christmas Day.  Loved the snow while it lasted.

Christmas Tree Chilliwack BC 2012

When we began our travels in 2003, we bought this small Christmas Tree for the rig.  It has multi lights in the base that project via a rotating fan which reflects the light on plastic straw like branches, making the branches change colour and twinkle.  I love this little tree.  Once Christmas is over, we take the tree from its base, collapse the branches and place in a plastic bag and then under the bed for next Christmas.  I have added red velvet bows and some very small gold balls. and this year we bought a tree skirt for its base,  Bill made a round table top which sits on the motorhome steering wheel and that is where the tree sits for the holidays.  Large red velvet bows hang from the cupboard handles and small brass musical instruments with red bows complete our simple Christmas decor.  Love it, because it is simple!


Bill, weaving his first project
 Last Christmas, I bought a simple laptop loom for Bill for Christmas via the infamous Ebay.  I had arranged for it to be delivered to the RV Resort we were staying at after we returned from our Edmonton trip to welcome  Ryan's return from Afghanistan.  It arrived with a weaving kit, already assembled on the loom.  It was a "just follow the instructions" over the winter months.  Here is Bill, concentrating on the burgundy and forest green colours and the tension of his scarf project, his first piece and part of my Christmas gift. It is wool, so will be worn as a shawl.  I love it and Bill has spent many an hour working on it.  He has enjoyed this learning is a perfect fit for him to learn and its size is great for the motorhome.  Thank you. Love, for the first of many finished projects.
Adjusting the Tension on the Scarf

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Port Mann Bridge

The Port Mann Bridge is a steel-tied arch bridge that spans the Fraser River connecting Coquitlam to Surrey  near Vancouver. The bridge consists of three spans with an orthotropic deck carrying five lanes of Trans Canada Highway traffic, with approach spans of three steel plate girders and concrete deck. The total length of the Port Mann is 2,093 m (6,867 ft), including approach spans. The main span is: 366 m (1,201 ft) plus the two 110 m (360 ft) spans on either side. Current volume on the bridge is 127,000 trips per day. Approximately eight percent of the traffic on the Port Mann bridge is truck traffic. The bridge is the longest arch bridge in Canada and 15th longest in the world.  Thanks to Wikipedia for this information and photo.
Aerial View

A Close Up of one end of one of the Spans
Beginning Saturday, Dec 1st, all lanes of the Port Mann will be open. It is a toll bridge and the fee is $3.00 each way.  However, as an introductory offer, there is a decal that you can have, once registered that will give twenty free trips until May 31st and thereafter, the cost will be $1.50 each way.  For Kendra, as she lives in Vancouver and works in Abbotsford, she will need to buy a monthly pass for $75.00 per month.  Fraser Valley residents are effectively ``cut off `from the city of Vancouver if they need to cross the Fraser R, or risk the heavy traffic in Langley and New Westminster. Cost??????   $3.3 billion Yikes!
Update:  This is the bridge that cost motorists millions in repairs after the "ice-bomb" incident.  Chunks of ice ffell from the bridge, damaging roofs and windshields of cars.  200 reported claims!  The engineers have some work to do!!!!!

Upholstry Know-how

Three brave souls (Bill, Kendra and I) took on the challenge of upholstering a headboard...that's right, a headboard.  Kendra has wanted to have a headboard for her bed for about two years, but as is the usual case, it has been put off until "Dad is here to help"!

Drying Out!
Cutting a Template

A couple of weeks ago, after the headboard discussion had been mentioned again, what should appear in the alley way behind Kendra's apartment, but a lovely wooden headboard that had been left in the rain.  After some checking and Kendra's approval, we hauled it up to K's apartment for it to dry and then to take another look for its suitability.

A week later, the three of us spent some time searching for fabric, decided on a beautiful tapestry with a blue satin thread, and then we went to work.  A base of thin wood, topped by 2 inches of foam trimmed to fit and then covered with the tapestry....oh and duct tape and some muscle got into the picture as well.  Not sure we knew what we were doing, and reminiscing that Grandad had upholstered a few pieces, it has been a fun project!

The Centre in Place
Headboard attached

Cultus Lake visit!

The village of  Cultus Lake is situated about 11 km southeast of Chilliwack BC which is about 80 miles east of Vancouver.   Cultus Lake became a Provincial Park in 1950 and has since become a huge tourist attraction as well as a thriving community.  Older cottages are becoming newer huge permanent homes on very small lots, with everyone desiring a lake view, so higher is better! The warm freshwater lake, surrounded by mountains,  has become a popular recreation destination with ample opportunities for fishing, water skiing, wind surfing, hiking and camping.
 Cultus Lake Provincial Park

 A huge waterpark is a great waterslide attraction for the kids who camp and cottage here, the largest and most popular in British Columbia.  It boasts 8 slides that have developed over the years since 1988.

Our interest in Cultus Lake was to investigate the Cultus Lake campground, part of the Northeast Zone of the Thousand Trails membership, we have been thinking of joining. It is the only one in Canada with the rest in the zone being in Washington and Oregon and is located about 8 km from the townsite.  

We took a drive along a narrow street on the north side of the lake, too,  where the cottages/homes are built on a very steep slope so that occupants have a view of the lake....but oh, the steps!!!!!

It was a nice quiet trip, but I know that it would be very much alive with activity were the day warmer and in summertime!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Travel through Kicking Horse and Roger's Passes and then down the Coquihalla

 Left Strathmore Oct 24th and travelled around Calgary to Revelstoke through the Roger's and Kicking Horse passes.  So beautiful, once we travelled out of slushy roads.  Hoare frost decked the conifers which glistened with the sun sparkling on the laden branches as we travelled through the mountains. The roads dried and the snow disappeared as we approached Golden and Revelstoke where we stayed at Canada West RV Park. Water was on as was the cable, electric and sewer. Nice stop!
 Continued on Thursday to Rosedale BC
via the Shuswap, Three Valley Gap,
Kamloops, Merritt, Hope and then
Rosedale where we are presently camped
 at Camperland and Bridal Falls.  Very quiet
 here as there are only two other campers.
Followed this Albertan towing his wee Smart
 down the Coq. Big bus, small toad!
A bit of snow at Logan Lake exit but
 from there on only a skiff on the roadside as we travelled further south and west.

Rain now...everyday!  Welcome to
Vancouver area!  Liquid sunshine!
 Better than snow and cold though!

Strathmore Visit in Snow

Icicles! Warm as Toast Inside!

Caper loved it!
 Fearing the snow forecast for Spruce Grove Oct. 23, we packed up and headed for Strathmore to visit Fred and Doreen, escaping snow, or so we thought.  20 cm were predicted for that night and more the following day and snow it did...a foot plus and the wind blew, drifting all around us!  We did not put out our slides or place our jacks. The only happy soul, was Caper as he nosed and frollicked in the snow...a pup again!  Fortunate we had our boots with us!  We left the next morning, putting on water, dumping our tanks and "shovelling" the drift with my pizza pan!  LOL!  WE do not or plan to carry a shovel!  Slushy roads in Strathmore but on our approach to Calgary, the roads were dry or with wet spots.  Heading to Revelstoke via Kicking Horse and Roger's post!
Drifting!  My Pizza Pan became our Shovel!

The Edmonton House

 Michael, Nadine and Daniel officially moved into the house October 20th and slept there for the first time that night.  Most of their stuff had been moved in the weeks previous, but the big stuff required a big truck and some muscle.  Ryan, Rea, Michael, Nadine, Dad and I all got into the act.  My job was to care for Daniel.  Love it!
The house is undergoing a kitchen remodel and new flooring that is not yet complete.  The kitchen cupboards were to arrive today, the floor next week and then counters and appliances sometime in November.  It will be very nice when complete.  We have a bedroom in the basement with some of our clothing, so we can call this home when we need a a place to stay.  Otherwise, we will continue to live in the motorhome in parks in Alberta and British Columbia, allowing us to travel as long as we can...Canada for 6 months and the southern US for the winter.  Life is good!

Sunset and Snow at Glowing Embers RV Park

The Western Sky

YUK! Snow!
While at Glowing Embers, we experienced so many different forms of good and bad weather.  Sunsets, sunrises and pink skies are my favourites.  There is nothing more beautiful than a sunset in the Western Sky.  A few days later, we received the first snows, just enough to cover the ground.  It didn't stay long, but it was a reminder that we needed to get packed up and ready to head west, then south!  October snows are not unusual; in fact we are told that it can snow every month of the year in Alberta.  YUK!  It would be another while, October 22, before we could leave.  The kids need to move to their new house first.  More of that in the next post!  Stay tuned!

Daniel at the Park!

More Grandad, More! Higher, too!
One of our favourite outings is to take Daniel to the local park.  He loves the swing and he especially loves Grandad to push him higher! Grandma tries to swing beside but can't keep up.  When we ask if he wants to slide, he says "more Grandad, more!"  How wonderful, that God allows us to become kids again through the eyes of our grandchildren! 
Around and around I go!

Love it!
Daniel loves this "spin-a-roo" as I call it.  For now, until he is older, it is safer if he sits on it while Grandad spins him around. Great fun!  The slide really does not interest him much at the moment. He is such a neat little boy as he always remembers to empty his shoes of sand and leave it at the park.  Mommy especially likes this.
 We walk to and from the park and Daniel loves us to lift him and swing him over the puddles.  Squeals of delight!  Lots of fresh air and exercise yields an appetite for a hearty lunch of grilled cheese and fruit.  Yum!

Cowboy RIP October 5th, 2012

Cowboy, with Caper, the week before Cowboy died

Cowboywatching us from the top of the MH steps, when he first arrived, January, 2012
 Sadly, we had to say "good-bye" to my walking buddy, Cowboy.  I know that he is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, frollicking with all his canine buddies until Caper joins him.  It was a difficult decision, but we know and take comfort in the fact that he is no longer struggling to survive.  Back in July, Cowboy began to have seizures that we thought were diabetic and so treated with honey.  He came around shortly; he had a seizure each month from then on and always we were able to "bring him back". However at noon on Thurs Oct 4th, he had one seizure, came around and then had another from which he needed help.  Off to the nearest veterinarian, Spruce Grove Veterinarian Hospital, for that help.  His temp and blood sugar were off the chart.  Several worked on him, revived him and then sedated him.  They kept him for observation for the afternoon, then advised that he needed specialized observation for the night.  Guardian, a Veterinarian service in Edmonton that is open 365/24/7 with all the equipment such as Cat Scan, MRI and sophisticated xray machines, all manned by 6-8 veterinarians, was recommended so we transported him there with IV intact.  We called every two hours and then at 6 Fri am, we got the dreaded call.  He was awake, but not doing well...paws and legs were curled under him, he was confused and disoriented, vomiting, incontinent and struggling.  We made the decision to have him put to sleep, but we were on our way,  We said our "good-byes" at 7:15 that morning.  A difficult day!  I miss him so!  We both do, but we know that with a diagnosed brain tumor, we made the right decision.  We feel so badly as he was in perfect health otherwise and this took us by surprise.  He was our rescue; we are proud to have been a part of his life and only hope that we gave him some good times in his last few months.  He certainly loved to travel and travel he did!  So long my friend!  You are truly missed!
My Walking Buddy on the Confederation Trail in PEI this past Summer

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fred and Doreen's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party September 16th, 2012

60 Years Ago
 60 years ago, Uncle Fred and Aunt Doreen were married in Aurora, ON.  I am told that Fred and Doreen met at a baseball game and after the game, Fred invited Doreen home for ice cream....the rest is HISTORY!

Although oxygen dependent, Fred was up to his usual fun and everyone had fun with both of them.  A wonderful program headed by long-time friend  Pastor Gord and F&D's present Pastor at the Alliance Church in Strathmore, pre-empted the tea and sweets.
The Happy Couple and their 60th Wedding Anniversary Cake
 An open mic allowed many friends and neighbours to express their good wishes and good health and fun stories.  A humorous skit by the Ranch Estates comedians called Kissin' and Huggin' with Fred, a spin-off, was hilarious and made for a delightful presentation leaving Fred covered in lipstick!
Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

Lipstick on the Collar and the Baldness!
Alice and Donna, friends, had prepared a lasagna dinner for family members, so we did have a time to visit.  All of our family joined them for this special event, but unfortunately Nadine and Michael had to take Daniel home early as he was coming down with a cold...we did not want to expose Fred to it.  It was a wonderful day, full of fun!  Quite a milestone!  Congratulations Fred and Doreen; thank you for your love and your faith in God that is so evident in the way in which you live and love.  We love you!

Calgary Zoo

September 15, found us taking Daniel to the Calgary Zoo, along with his Mom and Dad and Kemdra.  This is a fantastic venue for children to visit exotic and jungle animals in a safe environment.  We had a perfect weather day for the viewing of elephants, giraffe, lions, tigers, dinosaurs and Daniel knows them all.  A great family day!

One of the highlights for Daniel was a merry-go-round ride.  He was very excited to go up and down with the camel.  It was hard for him to choose which one to ride, because there were so many choices, but he does look happy with the choice he made.

A highlight for me was the butterfly enclosure.  Colourful plants. high humidity and butterflies of all colours, some very bright and others muted, made for a beautiful display.  Some would light on your hand, hair shoulder or just wherever.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeward Bound in Our New Toy

Today we began the long journey back to Edmonton, AB.  We have enjoyed our trip to the East very much, but we are missing our family, especially Daniel.  BUT, we have a new toy to test out as we travel.  She is a beauty!  A 2008 Safari Simba 36 foot, two slide diesel pusher!!!!!  Bill is particularly happy as he has a diesel once again and a jake brake for those long descents.  No more overheated brakes and the risk of losing everything on the downward travel.  We can spread our wings as we now have a couple of slides.  It is set up for a washer/dryer and I can't wait to have that installed...we will wait until we travel in the US as they are much cheaper.  Looking forward to less concern of a breakdown and finding parts as we travel as well.  Should be a very reliable bus!
2008 Safari Simba

This time next  week, we should be back in Edmonton.  Family Day at the Edmonton Garrison is Saturday September 8th and we would like to be home for that.  I wonder if Ryan will be volunteered for the dunk tank????? Stay tuned. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Prince Edward Island- Visit #2

Confederation Bridge

We decided to make a second visit to Prince Edward Island, this time to the west side.  We have never travelled to the west side in our PEI visits.     We have been royally treated by the islanders.  Our first night, we stayed at Sun and Shade Campground in Borden-Carleton, near the Confederation Bridge.  That evening, the park owners along with other locals entertained in country western fashion.  Harold Noye and his family entertain Fri and Sat nights for the Halifax Children’s Hospital charity and have raised about $60 000 dollars.  It was wonderful.
While there, Cowboy and I walked the Confederation Trail, part of the cross-Canada trail system and constructed on the now defunct rail line.  Our walk took us between concessions; at the southern end, I could see the Confederation Bridge.
A 1932  Willys Jeep
The next day, we travelled to Port Hill and Green Park Provincial Park and again were entertained by the locals.  Sunday, about 50 antique cars assembled in the park.  The cars were in mint condition;  two of them are the only ones like them in Canada.  There are only three Willy-s Jeeps like this one left in Canada.  For the hood ornament, the owner was offered $12 000 dollars and he turned it down...this one is authentic, the replacement would have been plastic.
The 1989 Curtland is a Ford product and is very rare; it is built on a mustang frame, but looks nothing like a Mustang.  It has 8000 original miles as it has been in  an Ontario storage for 21 years of its life.
1989 Curtland powered by Ford

 Today, we visited North Cape and the Wind Energy Research Station.  A long spit of reef off the tip reaches out into the Strait, touted to be the longest reef in PEI.  A gentleman with binoculars spotted a walrus sunning on the reef; thousands of cormorants  rested after a feeding frenzy and seagulls drifted overhead.

Stompin' Tom's Home at Skinner's
Further down the coast, we visited Skinner’s Pond, the boyhood home of Stompin’ Tom Conners.  We viewed the beach from the dunes and boardwalk, as well as the harbour. The peak at the backside of the house has Tom's boot nailed to it.  The beach has the whitest of sand; it was great to hear the gulls as they flew over the shore in hunt of dinner as well as the lapping waters of the Northumberland Strait.

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Visit with the Chisholms

Blair and Joan's Beautiful Home
A jaunt to St John, New Brunswick specifically, Hampton, and even more specifically, Nauwigewauk, had us camping in the driveway of our travelling friends, Joan and Blair.  We met this wonderful couple in 2006 in Llano Grande, TX, camped beside them in 2007 and they joined us in Arizona in 2008.  Blair is an antique car buff and in 2010, he and his wife joined 120 other like minded car buffs and travelled across Canada in his 1960 Thunderbird, a car that  Blair has fully restored from the ground up.  It is a beauty!
He and Bill worked on car window and door adjustments during the week, we took a trip to Calais Maine, a driving tour of the St John area, a trip to St Martens and the caves with a feast of clam chowder. shopping trips into St John for Joan and me and cards every night but one!!!!.  WE had so much fun and so many laughs.\( I have a photo of Blair's car and when I find it I will post it)

Wish we lived closer so that we could visit more often...who knows when we will get together again.  Even our winter destinations do not match up as Joan and Blair are Florida bound and we are off to California.  We will Skype our visits!  We treasure the short time we had together and pray that we will again have a chance to visit!

Nauwigewauk's Covered Bridge
The village of Nauwigewauk boasts a volunteer fire department and a short covered bridge...blink and you miss them both.