Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Strathmore Visit in Snow

Icicles! Warm as Toast Inside!

Caper loved it!
 Fearing the snow forecast for Spruce Grove Oct. 23, we packed up and headed for Strathmore to visit Fred and Doreen, escaping snow, or so we thought.  20 cm were predicted for that night and more the following day and snow it did...a foot plus and the wind blew, drifting all around us!  We did not put out our slides or place our jacks. The only happy soul, was Caper as he nosed and frollicked in the snow...a pup again!  Fortunate we had our boots with us!  We left the next morning, putting on water, dumping our tanks and "shovelling" the drift with my pizza pan!  LOL!  WE do not or plan to carry a shovel!  Slushy roads in Strathmore but on our approach to Calgary, the roads were dry or with wet spots.  Heading to Revelstoke via Kicking Horse and Roger's Passes...next post!
Drifting!  My Pizza Pan became our Shovel!

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