Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cowboy RIP October 5th, 2012

Cowboy, with Caper, the week before Cowboy died

Cowboywatching us from the top of the MH steps, when he first arrived, January, 2012
 Sadly, we had to say "good-bye" to my walking buddy, Cowboy.  I know that he is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, frollicking with all his canine buddies until Caper joins him.  It was a difficult decision, but we know and take comfort in the fact that he is no longer struggling to survive.  Back in July, Cowboy began to have seizures that we thought were diabetic and so treated with honey.  He came around shortly; he had a seizure each month from then on and always we were able to "bring him back". However at noon on Thurs Oct 4th, he had one seizure, came around and then had another from which he needed help.  Off to the nearest veterinarian, Spruce Grove Veterinarian Hospital, for that help.  His temp and blood sugar were off the chart.  Several worked on him, revived him and then sedated him.  They kept him for observation for the afternoon, then advised that he needed specialized observation for the night.  Guardian, a Veterinarian service in Edmonton that is open 365/24/7 with all the equipment such as Cat Scan, MRI and sophisticated xray machines, all manned by 6-8 veterinarians, was recommended so we transported him there with IV intact.  We called every two hours and then at 6 Fri am, we got the dreaded call.  He was awake, but not doing well...paws and legs were curled under him, he was confused and disoriented, vomiting, incontinent and struggling.  We made the decision to have him put to sleep, but we were on our way,  We said our "good-byes" at 7:15 that morning.  A difficult day!  I miss him so!  We both do, but we know that with a diagnosed brain tumor, we made the right decision.  We feel so badly as he was in perfect health otherwise and this took us by surprise.  He was our rescue; we are proud to have been a part of his life and only hope that we gave him some good times in his last few months.  He certainly loved to travel and travel he did!  So long my friend!  You are truly missed!
My Walking Buddy on the Confederation Trail in PEI this past Summer

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