Saturday, December 29, 2012


Bill, weaving his first project
 Last Christmas, I bought a simple laptop loom for Bill for Christmas via the infamous Ebay.  I had arranged for it to be delivered to the RV Resort we were staying at after we returned from our Edmonton trip to welcome  Ryan's return from Afghanistan.  It arrived with a weaving kit, already assembled on the loom.  It was a "just follow the instructions" over the winter months.  Here is Bill, concentrating on the burgundy and forest green colours and the tension of his scarf project, his first piece and part of my Christmas gift. It is wool, so will be worn as a shawl.  I love it and Bill has spent many an hour working on it.  He has enjoyed this learning is a perfect fit for him to learn and its size is great for the motorhome.  Thank you. Love, for the first of many finished projects.
Adjusting the Tension on the Scarf

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