Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Edmonton House

 Michael, Nadine and Daniel officially moved into the house October 20th and slept there for the first time that night.  Most of their stuff had been moved in the weeks previous, but the big stuff required a big truck and some muscle.  Ryan, Rea, Michael, Nadine, Dad and I all got into the act.  My job was to care for Daniel.  Love it!
The house is undergoing a kitchen remodel and new flooring that is not yet complete.  The kitchen cupboards were to arrive today, the floor next week and then counters and appliances sometime in November.  It will be very nice when complete.  We have a bedroom in the basement with some of our clothing, so we can call this home when we need a a place to stay.  Otherwise, we will continue to live in the motorhome in parks in Alberta and British Columbia, allowing us to travel as long as we can...Canada for 6 months and the southern US for the winter.  Life is good!

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