Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Redwoods and The Avenue of the Giants

 Our trip south was rather uneventful and uninteresting through to Grant's Pass as we followed the Interstate 5 south.  Heading southwest from Grant's Pass (southern Oregon), though, was a beautiful trip to Crescent City CA, and the first sighting of the giant redwoods added to the interest.  We first spotted them as we headed toward Jedediah State Park.  These trees are unbelievably huge as the road wends its way between them.  Small markers at the base of the trees warn you of how close to the road they stand...watch those mirrors as we twist and turn through them.  Amazing!
 Glimpses of sunlight glistened through the trees, the first we have seen on this trip.  How nice to feel its warmth once again!
Note the marker at the base of the roadside giants!
 A trip through the Avenue of the Giants is not to be missed!  The camera does not do the height of these giants justice...one can only imagine their height and know that these are very old trees...probably 400-500 years.
 Looking up!  WOW!  I know that the amount of rain we have experienced on the west coast is responsible for their growth.

An uprooted tree, shows the size of the root system, probably 50 feet across.  God's amazing handiwork!

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