January 17th, Kendra, Bill and I flew from Abbotsford to Edmonton for the Southwood family Christmas. Because Kendra began a new job mid July, she could not have an extended vacation time until mid January. Our celebration took place January 19th at Michael and Nadine's new- to- them home in Edmonton. We had such fun with Daniel who wanted to play with each one of us. So precious to be awakened each morning with a hug from a little guy who asks "you play with me Grandma?" Love it! I miss those hugs!
The tree was filled to capacity with lots of gifts, the turkey dinner was delicious and the conversations were full of fun and laughter!
Daniel had such fun opening all his gifts; Rea and Ryan gave Daniel skates, complete with helmet. The highlight for him, though was his "digger"...a CAT backhoe that moved forward and backward and the bucket lifted and lowered. We all had such fun playing with it! Assembly was required for the painting/chalkboard easel that Kendra gave Daniel...took four adults to put it all together! Hmmmm!
Mommy helps Daniel; Daddy watches |
This was Ryan and Rea's first Christmas together; they had honeymooned in Honduras and Belize over Christmas in December, so it was great to have them for our celebration, likely the last for which all of us will be together in Edmonton. (R&R expect to move back to Ontario in July.)
Kendra will be moving to Prince George in June to begin a residency program in Pharmacy, so the family will once again be spread across Canada.
Lots of rest and relaxation for everyone over the weekend as we enjoyed the moments of quality family time. It would be nice to be able to stop time for those special together times, to just revel in togetherness!
Bill and I took Daniel for a sleigh ride around the blocks in Nadine and Michael's neighbourhood...a fresh fall of snow made for good sleigh weather.
Ryan relaxes |
Thank you, Michael and Nadine for housing all of us for the weekend. We "christened" your new house with its first family get-together even though your renovations were not complete. Love what has been completed, though! To top it off, Nadine began a new job at the U of A Rexall Drug Store, January 21st, so for her, it was a very busy weekend! Thank you for everything. We love you all! :-)
Rea, radiant with smiles! |
Daniel's helmet! |
Four adults to assemble an easel! |
Bill and Daniel bundled for a cold walk! |
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