Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Crescent City CA South to Garberville, CA

 The view from Hwy 101 along the N California coast is stunning!  Rocks protruding from the sea, whitecaps on the many waves, sandy beaches, small coves, and fishing lorries dotted along the coast are more than the eye can see as one drives along this highway.  We stopped at a couple of spots, one to rest, two to walk Caper and three to take pictures and to "drink in" the sights.  Beautiful!
 Just to show the comparative size of a Redwood and a Dodge pickup, one can get the idea of the diameter of one of these majestic Redwoods.

 We encountered a work crew who were cleaning up and repaving after a landslide.  There has been so much rain along this coast, that mudslides and downed trees are very prevalent, although this is the only one we saw.  News reports indicate there were many.
Stopped for lunch here...what a joy to listen to the waves pounding the shoreline as we ate.  Signs warning of "rogue waves" or "sneaker waves"  dot the shore and there are also memorial plaques in a few spots regarding those who have lost their lives because of them! The tides are amazing and to be respected!

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