Monday, January 18, 2010

Arroyo Grande, Santa Paula and Ojai

A visit to historic Arroyo Grande near Pismo Beach and Oceano revealed small town spirit with a very active Historical Society. This was the site of the original "swinging bridge" which over time has become much more substantial, yet swings just the same. A schoolhouse, Santa Manuela built in 1901, the house known as "Ruby's House" as Ruby was the last resident, houses the Historical Society's archives and offices (here, we were fortunate to meet the Society's first President, Kathy, who enthusiastically shared much information on the development of the historical square) and the Arroyo Grande Museum, another former home, make up the Historic Square. A gazebo has been added so that the latter two properties and their gardens are booked for many local weddings; in fact, Ruby's House has a bridal room incorporated into the dwelling. Chickens roam freely in the town streets. A quaint village of shops and cafes!

These three beauties admired themselves in Bill's shiny chrome at Ventura Ranch KOA, Santa Paula; there are about two dozen peacocks that roam the property. We wondered if they would roost atop the truck for the night, but they instead settled for the nearby split rail fence. They are beautiful until they open their beaks; how can anything so beautiful make such a raucous racket?

While here, we took a side trip to charming Ojai (pronounced oh-high), named by the Chumash Indians to mean "'Valley of the Moon", a haven for artists, musicians and health enthusiasts. After the village was left in ashes from the fire of 1917, Edward D Libby, a wealthy glass manufacturer, designed, financed and undertook to rebuild the town in keeping with its former Spanish heritage. This is the pergola entrance to Libby's Bowl, a park in the centre of town that hosts Music and Arts' festivals. Another quaint and charming
mountain village with shops (Bloomingdale prices) and cafes. At sunset, the nearby mountains take on a pinkish-purple hue, known as the "Pink Moment". Jerry Bruckheimer, Johnny and June Carter Cash, Julie Andrews and Reese Witherspoon among others have been or are residents of Ojai. The town's premier icon, the bell tower, houses the Post Office.

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