Monday, January 11, 2010

Flowers and Sunsets

Winter sunsets over the Pacific are glorious! We walked to the nearby pier in Pacifica to watch the skilled surfers, to listen to the crashing waves on the shoreline rocks, to feel the salt spray and to capture the sun as it was setting. Beautiful!

Colourful cyclamen are planted,
everywhere in California in much the same way as I would use impatiens in planters. Given the cost of a cyclamen at Christmas, I am wondering if they can be grown here in California as inexpensively as impatiens are at home.

Believe it or not, this clivia
was photographed
in the Alcatraz gardens.
I am told that the prison
guard wives, the only
women on Alcatraz, and inmate
prisoners, tended the garden; most
of the plantings remain today, spilling
over walls and down slopes. Amazing!

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