Monday, January 25, 2010

Lady Sascha

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January 18, 1994 - January 23rd, 2010

It has been a very "blue" weekend in the Southwood household. You see, our beloved 16 year old mini-schnauzer, Sascha aka "Baby Girl" or "Sasch" crossed the "Rainbow Bridge". What a difficult decision and what a void! Our thanks to a local veterinarian in Hemet, Gentle Bob, who so sensitively and humanely carried out our wishes! Caper is very sad.
We love and miss you, Baby Girl!

Master, It's Time

Master, dear Master, the old dog said,
My road has come to an end.
No more can I ramble and roam by your side
Your loved and trusted friend.

My eyes, once filled with joy of life,
Are dimmed with age and pain.
The walks we shared by field and stream
Must wait for another day.

You cared for me with all your heart,
And I gave you my all.
But now, beloved master,
Another Master calls.

I know you hate to let me go
But my love is yours to keep
The time has come, my dearest friend,
When I must go to sleep.

Your kindness made my life a joy,
And you love me, this I know,
Show me your love one final time
And gently let me go.

Master, my beloved friend,
As we say our last good-bye,
Know that I will be waiting
For you, on the other side.

Then we will ramble the woods again,
Walk the fields when the leaves begin to fall,
I'll be sitting right here by the golden gates,
Waiting for your call.

Author: Jean Dokken

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