Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shore Acres State Park and Gardens

A beautiful State Park and botannical gardens right on the ocean! Different service groups from the nearby towns are responsible for a section of the gardens. A very rugged shore line in this area, yet a few yards away, this beautiful garden. Even from here, we could hear the sea lions barking. This would make a wonderful painting. Love the ocean and the Oregon coast!

The lights were being installed, but not on yet as the gardens would be illuminated from Nov 26th 'til Christmas. Beautiful! Hard to believe the Pacific is only a few yards away

The entry to the pond where herons and leaping frogs in Christmas lights were installed. Lush and green, a symmetrical garden of shubbery and flowers was a beautiful contrast to the ruggedness of the coast, a few yards away . Leaves are falling, but there is still colour. Hydrangeas, cannas and red hot pokers were still in bloom.
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