Friday, November 13, 2009

Atcheson AB

Our visit to Glowing Embers RV Resort was a snowy one. Our trip from Strathmore was quite a ride. Sunshine when we left developed into flurries, then sleet, then a snowfall complete with black ice under the overpasses and and a significant accumulation. We were certainly glad to get to the campground. Of course, we needed to wash the rig first. The front legs were elephant- sized and were unrecognizably coated with ice, grit, slush and road debris. In order to do this, after filling the diesel tank at Flying J, we headed to downtown Edmonton to a rig-sized truck wash; our locks froze on the way to the resort, so we were "locked out" temporarily.

We visited with our daughter, Nadine and her husband Michael over Thanksgiving along with daughter, Kendra, who had flown in for the weekend from Vancouver. Saturday night, when we started the truck, air was being released from the air pressure relief valve every 3-4 seconds. Sunday morning found us on the phone to First Truck in Edmonton for a valve repair which took most of the day. So much for a family brunch! However, Thanksgiving turkey was absolutely delicious, thanks to Michael and the girls. The turkey?... all 18 pounds of it, was very moist and we ate a hearty meal with all the fixings.
It snowed most of the week; we waited it out until October 16th, much later than anticipated. In northern Canada, one needs to be prepared for whatever comes.
Travels from here will take us to Vancouver through Jasper National Park and down the Coquihalla. Hope the weather cooperates.
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