Thursday, November 12, 2009

September/October 2009

Let's begin with September 1st, the day, finally, that "Ruby", a nuisance kidney stone, was removed, the reason that we did not travel much all summer. A trip to Ottawa followed immediately, to visit with our New Brunswick friends, Joan and Blair, Ottawa friends Ron and Marlene and of course, Ryan. We travelled to Killaloe to visit with Nini and Wes and then off to Indiana for some upgrades and minor repairs. Before travelling west we were back to Rama for a followup appointment with the urologist who wanted a metabolic urinalysis to determine what in my system is creating "Ruby and her friends".
September 29th found us travelling North to our favourite and new spots...Spragge, no longer in the KOA family, Wawa, Thunder Bay and Kenora. Too cold for Casino stays! Then off to Brandon and Swift Current before landing at the Heritage Rodeo RV Campground in Strathmore for a few days to visit Aunt and Uncle Doreen and Fred and friends, Joe and Lynn whom we met last April, around a campfire at Davis Lake on the Natchez Trace. October 8th, we were off under bright sunny skies ('til N Calgary) and then flurries, which turned to snow, hail, sleet, black ice under overapasses, to accumulations of snow. Once out of Red Deer, sunshine again! Quite a ride! Oh, and Mr. Clean washed the rig in Strathmore and again in Edmonton.
We were so relieved to be at Glowing Embers, to visit with Nadine and Michael and Kendra who had flown in for Thanksgiving. Little did we know that it would be CCCCCOOOOOLLLLLDDDDD and SSSSNNNOOOWWWWYYYYY!
It was a very nice Thanksgiving, even though Bill spent most of Sunday at First Truck, getting the air pressure relief valve repaired. Michael and the girls prepared a wonderful turkey dinner...all 18 pounds of it! WOW! Turkey for a week!
Snow kept us in Glowing Embers, longer than planned but October 16th found us on the road again, heading west through Jasper to Valemount and then to Merritt before arriving at Peace Arch, Surrey for the next two weeks. Many thanks to Don and Lois Sanderson for securing a site for us.
After several shopping trips to Ikea, dinners out and hanging drapes at Kendra's, we crossed the border into the USA on October 31st.

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