Saturday, February 28, 2015

Nehalem Bay

 Our second week in November found us in Paradise Cove and Nehalem Bay on the Oregon Coast and this was our view for a week....very peaceful, very quiet(except for the elk hunting dudes) and very beautiful.  Mussels are highly sought after in this quiet bay at low tide, and the park even has a large steaming pot where one can steam their catch.  We neither caught or steamed!  We enjoyed our week very much but I  must tell you about getting here.  Our Gertie, the GPS, sent us west of Portland appropriately, but then sent us a "short-cut" via a logging road when it was already getting dark.  The road twisted and turned, we met trucks and cars and we were never so thankful as when we finally arrived at the park.
 One afternoon, we  drove north to Oswald State Park and this was the view!  How can anyone doubt God when they see such a magnificent masterpiece!  Just gorgeous!  I hope there are views like this in Heaven!

The sun gleamed off the ocean like sparkling diamonds and bands of gold!  Awe!!!!!!  The hymn Majesty comes to mind!  At the end of another great day, there is always a sunset!

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