Saturday, February 28, 2015

La Conner WA

 Our first stop in early November is one of my very favourite spots, La Conner WA.  It is a fave, because camp is within walking distance of a quaint downtown as well as to the marina.  Hundreds  of boats are moored here, some American, but many are Canadian, primarily from BC.  It is a beautiful sight to see all this money in one place.  I think of the owners and what they must do for a living in order to afford this lifestyle!  Many are quite large and outfitted with the amenities

  of an RV.  More boats here with logging of  long poles occurring across the waterway and then floated down river.
We took a walk downtown to our favourite brunch spot but because it was later in the afternoon, we chose to have dessert and tea.  They have a great gluten free bakery, so dessert was yummy.

 An unusual sight we encountered one morning as we walked the dogs.  This particular morning was quite cool to cold; in the field, a bit of a wetland area, I counted at least a dozen herons, some on one leg, some on both and some with beak beneath their wing and all of them I am sure, were shivering.  It was quite a sight!
 Because of all the rain, mushrooms were quite prevalent.  Not sure I would want to eat this one though!  Very pretty, but shouldn't there be an elf beneath?

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