Thursday, December 4, 2014

Calgary to Banff/Lake Louise

 After a terrific but short visit with Fred (he tires so easily)and Doreen Oct 14 and 15th, we struck further west around the city of Calgary via  Stoney Trail (the Calgary bypass) toward Banff and Lake Louise through Canmore and Kananaskis country.  It was a pleasantly dry day with sun shining...the mountains were stunning in their early robes of white, broken by banks of low clouds, sometimes, wispy, sometimes dense.  Yes, roadside snows reminded us that in the not-too-distant-future, all would be clothed in white...the reason for our Great Escape!
Love the Rockies' ruggedness and yet at times, their gentle folds and undulating formation.  Looks cold, doesn't it?  It likely is at that elevation, but from the motorhome passenger seat, it is beautiful!   Of course, I am constantly on the outlook for animals which can often be spotted on the highway, but this day we saw none.  Stopped in Golden to check out Ryan and Rea's lot, but more about that in the next post!

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