August 11th, 2015 Kenzie Raechel Southwood made her appearance. She is the daughter of our son, Ryan and his wife, our daughter in law Rea. She is the sweetest, most precious baby with the tiniest, most perfect features. She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 21 cm in length, born in Guelph General where Ryan was born 35 years ago, delivered by midwives. Ryan took Rea to the hospital at 10:00, Kenzie was born at 12:30 and all were home by 3:45, not even having seen a doctor. Amazing!
Kenzie has the longest toes and fingers...the makings of a runner!

Of course, Granddad and Grandma had to have cuddles. We spent 6 weeks minus our cruise time getting to know this little one, cuddling and holding her and just soaking her up. We shall miss her!
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