Monday, March 31, 2014

Tecate Divide on our way from Yuma to Ramona along I-8

 We climbed and climbed and climbed to 4190 feet to Crestwood Summit and on to Laguna Summit at 4055 feet. All we saw were rocks, rocks and more rocks, tumbled.  Nothing growing except the odd Palm tree or scrub bush.  There were frequent pull offs with call boxes and radiator water if overheating from the climb became a concern.  An engineering feat was this bridge that connected one mountain to another.  Many transports use this pass and so there are runaway lanes frequently along the route.  Don't want to ever use them nor watch an eighteen wheeler needing one either.
 Keep in mind that this Interstate wends its way through the lowest valley between mountains and yet there is a summit, not the mountain top but the highest highway elevation.  Beautiful area but very hot in summer I would imagine.  A lot of the area is reservation and at the Crestwood Summit, sitting nestled among the rocks is the Golden Acorn Casino where one can purchase fuel or rest for a bit.  Of course, if one attends the casino, a win or a donation could be your reward.  We kept motoring on!

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