Monday, March 31, 2014

Ramona Hummingbird Feeding

Here we are in Ramona Canyon, a beautiful area of southern California.  The weather here was fabulous....sunny and in the mid seventies everyday.  Lots of evidence of spring with daffies, narcissi, red bud and wild geraniums in full bloom and /or budding out.  Hummingbirds were numerous, so I decided to dig out the feeder and feed away!  Annas and Costas attacked immediately!  Even Orioles were trying to feed, although they like nothing red.   When we left the motorhome to walk the dogs, we had to duck as the hummers would dive-bomb both the dogs and us in their quest for food.  Amazing little creatures; how much they can consume for such a tiny body.  I filled this feeder at least three times in the ten days I had it in place.  As time went on, more and more came....I think they told their buddies!
Although not a good picture, I was able to capture this Hooded Oriole on the feeder of our neighbour.  Beautiful sight!

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