Monday, March 31, 2014

Update on Winston and Bailey

 As long as there is a small area to rest his head, be it a pillow or a lap, Bailey sleeps to gain his energy for play with Mr Energy, Winston.  Below, both are resting, a rare occurance.  Both are doing well, loving their food, being groomed and just hanging out with their people.  Winston has now travelled from coast to coast in the southern US, Bailey only 4 of the States since TX.  Shots are up to date and just recently, we travelled to Hemet to get their year's supply of Heartworm med and 8 months of Frontline for fleas and ticks.  Heartgard is a monthly oral treat while frontline is applied between the shoulder blades topically, also monthly.
 I love the way Winston turns his head as he listens for his commands or when we talk to him...this little guy even watches TV and barks when a dog barks or there is a loud noise.  He is a very intelligent pup, learning new tricks quickly (of course a food treat helps); Bailey is very laid back unless another dog is in his sight.  No barking, but he wants to meet and greet, and is very strong willed about it!  Not sure how he will  behave nose to nose...we need an off leash dog park to test it out!

Tecate Divide on our way from Yuma to Ramona along I-8

 We climbed and climbed and climbed to 4190 feet to Crestwood Summit and on to Laguna Summit at 4055 feet. All we saw were rocks, rocks and more rocks, tumbled.  Nothing growing except the odd Palm tree or scrub bush.  There were frequent pull offs with call boxes and radiator water if overheating from the climb became a concern.  An engineering feat was this bridge that connected one mountain to another.  Many transports use this pass and so there are runaway lanes frequently along the route.  Don't want to ever use them nor watch an eighteen wheeler needing one either.
 Keep in mind that this Interstate wends its way through the lowest valley between mountains and yet there is a summit, not the mountain top but the highest highway elevation.  Beautiful area but very hot in summer I would imagine.  A lot of the area is reservation and at the Crestwood Summit, sitting nestled among the rocks is the Golden Acorn Casino where one can purchase fuel or rest for a bit.  Of course, if one attends the casino, a win or a donation could be your reward.  We kept motoring on!

Ramona Hummingbird Feeding

Here we are in Ramona Canyon, a beautiful area of southern California.  The weather here was fabulous....sunny and in the mid seventies everyday.  Lots of evidence of spring with daffies, narcissi, red bud and wild geraniums in full bloom and /or budding out.  Hummingbirds were numerous, so I decided to dig out the feeder and feed away!  Annas and Costas attacked immediately!  Even Orioles were trying to feed, although they like nothing red.   When we left the motorhome to walk the dogs, we had to duck as the hummers would dive-bomb both the dogs and us in their quest for food.  Amazing little creatures; how much they can consume for such a tiny body.  I filled this feeder at least three times in the ten days I had it in place.  As time went on, more and more came....I think they told their buddies!
Although not a good picture, I was able to capture this Hooded Oriole on the feeder of our neighbour.  Beautiful sight!