Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daniel's 3rd Birthday!

I need to update some pictures.  This is an oldie! Today, May 28th, is Daniel's 3rd birthday!  My oh my, where does the time go and how D is growing up so fast!  It seems impossible that he is already three, running, jumping, talking and learning to write, read and do simple math questions!  Unbelievable!  He is such a happy, happy guy and just loves life!  Happy Birthday, Daniel!  We love you!  When Grandma sees you soon, I need to take your picture to add to my blog and my wall.  Love you!
Unfortunately we are in Chilliwack, waiting for Kendra to return so we can move her to Prince George for her residency program.  Celebrating Daniel's birthday will take place the week of June.  More cake to celebrate, Daniel, with ice cream, one of the food groups, Grandad says!  Hugs!

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