Saturday, May 28, 2011

Daniel's First Birthday!

Where has the year gone! We cannot believe that one year has passed and we are celebrating Daniel's first birthday. Nadine and Michael, although not feeling well, entertained Grandma and Grandad as well as Uncle Ryan and Aunt Rea at a birthday party for the little man! Miss you, Aunt Kendra! I should say, Daniel did the entertaining! TOYS! Buttons to push and light up! A tractor to ride( John Deere, of course!). Blocks to build with! Books to read! All the things that will entertain a very active little boy!

As for cake, Nadine chose the dinosaur theme for balloons, napkins, hats and plates and the cake too!...chocolate cake with yummy green icing, decorated with chocolate hershey kisses. As by the picture, you can see Daniel got right into it! Literally! He loved the sticky green stuff and did a great job of licking it up, pronto! Rubbing his eyes, it became eyelash makeup! He loved it and it made us all laugh! What a great day! Thank you, Daniel! Love our little man! xxoo

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