Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Washington and Oregon Travels

Our travels south took us through the beautiful city of Portland OR, a city of bridges and lots of traffic. We travelled through and out to the Pacific Coast while waiting for parts for the motorhome. Unfortunately, it rained and was very foggy this trip, something we have not encountered while travelling this beautiful coast.

Travels are much simpler with the toad "hitched" to the motorhome. We managed to follow one another to Vancouver WA with the aid of walkie-talkies and only once became separated while trying to find the lineup for the ferry in Lynnwood, WA. This picture was taken in the parking lot of our favourite cheese factory in Tillamook OR. We just had to have our ice-cream fix and make a purchase of our favourite cheeses. From here, we travelled north to Seaside, a beautiful resort town, but again lots of rain and fog.

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