Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tough Life but Someone HAS to Do It!

We are presently in sunny Indian Waters RV Resort in Indio, CA (near Palm Springs), where magnificent and colourful bougainvillea and oleander line the streets and the temperatures are in the high 60's to 70's everyday. We will kick back, do some needed cleaning, see some sights, try local cuisine, shop and enjoy this beautiful desert area.

Caper, our much loved mini-schnauzer has developed canine diabetes. We are making weekly treks to Pets Vet in Hemet, CA to do a blood-sugar profile, he is on special prescriptive diet and he has insulin(human) shots twice daily. We are so thankful to be able to stay in one spot for a bit until he is straightened around and what better place than this! It is very beautiful; as I sit here writing this, I am watching the sun set red, on the San Bernardino Mountains.

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