Sunday, December 19, 2010

The High Desert

This area, known as the High Desert, centres around the Mohave Desert and the cities that we visited, Palmdale and Lancaster, CA. Our purpose in travelling to this destination was to visit beautiful Soledad Canyon and to locate a dash and switch parts at the Rexhall plant for the motorhome. What beautiful country! Desert yes, but a plateau in the mountains. Many areas displayed signs of "dips", warning motorists of where mountain run-off water can accumulate and ensuing flash floods.
This area known as Antelope Valley is prolific with Joshua Trees, which belong to the Yucca family. Their trunk is fibrous with no rings, so age is difficult to determine. It flowers a whitish conical head in February to early March; new "trees" can develop from seeds pollinated by the yucca moth or grow from rhizomes of a nearby Joshua. We were travelling in very high winds and later experienced a "white-knuckled" drive along I-15 near San Bernardino as we were buffeted by crosswinds in the canyons. Not fun!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tough Life but Someone HAS to Do It!

We are presently in sunny Indian Waters RV Resort in Indio, CA (near Palm Springs), where magnificent and colourful bougainvillea and oleander line the streets and the temperatures are in the high 60's to 70's everyday. We will kick back, do some needed cleaning, see some sights, try local cuisine, shop and enjoy this beautiful desert area.

Caper, our much loved mini-schnauzer has developed canine diabetes. We are making weekly treks to Pets Vet in Hemet, CA to do a blood-sugar profile, he is on special prescriptive diet and he has insulin(human) shots twice daily. We are so thankful to be able to stay in one spot for a bit until he is straightened around and what better place than this! It is very beautiful; as I sit here writing this, I am watching the sun set red, on the San Bernardino Mountains.

Northern California

Yes, there is only one tree set close to each side of the road. Their girth is magnificent. The highway (101, known as the Pacific Coast Highway) wends its way through this beautiful grove of Redwoods. Even on a sunny day, travelling through these monstrocities can be quite dark; travellers are guided by the amber road markers set at the base of the roadside trees.

These friendly guys came to greet us at our campsite along with about twenty or so wild turkeys (I was not quite quick enough with the camera). They quacked their way across the pond and on to the grass close to me, probably looking for an easy handout; this campground was a quiet little spot in the middle of nowhere near Willets, CA, where check-in was self-registered. We normally would have spent more time in N CA but with delays in Vancouver waiting for parts, we needed to push on to warmer and drier climes.

Travels through the Napa Valley, the wineries and the vineyards present with beautiful colours of yellow, reds and gold, reminding us of the Fall in Northern Ontario. Acres and acres of rows and rows of grapes can be found in the lowlands and crest over the rolling hills, positioned just so, for the sun to ripen them. A very big business in Central California!

Washington and Oregon Travels

Our travels south took us through the beautiful city of Portland OR, a city of bridges and lots of traffic. We travelled through and out to the Pacific Coast while waiting for parts for the motorhome. Unfortunately, it rained and was very foggy this trip, something we have not encountered while travelling this beautiful coast.

Travels are much simpler with the toad "hitched" to the motorhome. We managed to follow one another to Vancouver WA with the aid of walkie-talkies and only once became separated while trying to find the lineup for the ferry in Lynnwood, WA. This picture was taken in the parking lot of our favourite cheese factory in Tillamook OR. We just had to have our ice-cream fix and make a purchase of our favourite cheeses. From here, we travelled north to Seaside, a beautiful resort town, but again lots of rain and fog.