Tuesday, December 29, 2015


 This happy foursome is a delight to us.  Michael, Nadine, Daniel and Ian are so happy.  Ian is such a happy baby and Daniel delights in his little brother. The look on Nadine's face says it all.....HAPPY!

Three generations
Rea, Ryan and Kenzie  vacationed on Vancouver Island, then came to Edmonton for a visit.  Kenzie was not sure of us; made strange with us and cried if we came near.  She wanted her Mommy or Daddy so we laid low. She was trying to crawl but was frustrating herself by pushing herself backwards along the floor.  I predict she will walk and not crawl when she decides she wants something at a distance.  She is such a happy baby.
Mommy and Kenzie 

A secret though:  Grandchild #4 is on the way...another little one for Ryan and Rea!  Will keep you posted!

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