Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sunsets! and ready to head East!

 I will let the sunsets speak for themselves!  Love them!
October 1st. 2015, we began our journey to Ottawa, visiting family and friends along the way!  A long trip but worth the effort!  Sad to leave our Edmonton family behind with the promise to Skype weekly!

On the Road Again!

Ian- Four Months

This little man is growing so fast!  He is learning to roll over and sit up.  He has found his hands, fingers and feet.  Everything goes into his mouth and he is slobber. slobber, slobber!  Ian responds to anything his brother Daniel, get excited or just watch him and follow him with his eyes.  So cute!  We shall really miss him and the changes in him while we are in the south for the winter.  Such a sweet little guy!


Beautiful Bare Mountaintops
 September 13-20 found us at the Delta Hotel in Kananaskis.  The view from our hotel  window was beautiful...lovely sunshine and bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds.  Overnight, the sky became more cloudy and snow fell topping all the mountains with a sparkly white cap. We had taken enough
for our usual breakfast, but went out somewhere for an early dinner or late lunch....hotel meals were very expensive.  We visited Canmore and Golden and also went to help Doreen in Strathmore while we were there.
In 2002 with the then Prime Minister Jean Chretien, the G8 Summit was held at the Delta Kananaskis.  A plaque and water feature memorialize their visit.
This was our one land week following the Alaskan Cruise  we took in 2014.  We have another week coming in 2016.
We boarded the dogs at E & E in Stony Plain...they do not do well boarded...separation anxiety.
On our last day, we took a longer hike along the Kananaskis River where we could see the flood damage from the Spring of 2012.  Ryan was deployed to the area to help with rescues and rebuilds.  A beautiful area!
Overnight Snowfall

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

More Family Stuff- Now Ian

 My how this little one has grown!  He is so strong and watches his little brother like a hawk!
I can't imagine what he is thinking, but I think he would like nothing better than to get down and run and play with his brother.  (Love Nadine's hair...Ian was pulling it and this is easier).

Below is the Swedish weaving baby blanket that I finally finished for Ian.  I love the colours!  The pattern is called

More Family Stuff- 1st Daniel

 Daniel loves to play with his cars and trucks when he is not constructing with Lego.  While he was visiting us, he and I built a town with small stones on our mat.  He has quite an imagination!  He created street names and signs for his town and built some homes and businesses from cereal boxes and packing tape.  It was a lot of fun!

Then, believe it or not, he was off to his first day of school September 9th, 2015!  Oh my!  Where have the last 5 years of innocence gone?
He loves it!  Mommy took Daniel to school and I looked after Ian.  From here, we will live 5 years at a time!

Kenzie's First Birthday

Kenzie's first birthday was celebrated on August 11, 2015.  We couldn't be there, so we celebrated over a Skype date.  It is fun to see the changes and the new things
she has learned each time.  She is really growing and she is such a happy baby.  At this point she is not quite walking without assistance.  She will soon learn to hang on to tables and chairs and take her first steps on her own.  She loves her food.  I call her my Princess!

Ryan- A Master's Graduate

 Congratulations to our son, Ryan, upon graduating from the University of Guelph with a Master's degree in Science.  He has worked so hard for this.  Now, on to Ottawa, to work on his Lieutenant Colonel rank.  He is heading to Virginia for the month of June in 2015 to work at Quantico, then again in May of 2016. Congratulations, Ryan!  We are very proud of you!

PS Photos were taken with my camera over the web cam, provided by U of G.  Nice!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


 This happy foursome is a delight to us.  Michael, Nadine, Daniel and Ian are so happy.  Ian is such a happy baby and Daniel delights in his little brother. The look on Nadine's face says it all.....HAPPY!

Three generations
Rea, Ryan and Kenzie  vacationed on Vancouver Island, then came to Edmonton for a visit.  Kenzie was not sure of us; made strange with us and cried if we came near.  She wanted her Mommy or Daddy so we laid low. She was trying to crawl but was frustrating herself by pushing herself backwards along the floor.  I predict she will walk and not crawl when she decides she wants something at a distance.  She is such a happy baby.
Mommy and Kenzie 

A secret though:  Grandchild #4 is on the way...another little one for Ryan and Rea!  Will keep you posted!

Update on Daniel

 To celebrate Daniel's 5th birthday May 28th, we took him to the St Albert Children's Festival and to the Rainmaker Rodeo in the fairgrounds behind the Kinsman RV Park.  He wanted to have his face painted as Spiderman, but shortly after he got home, he wanted his face washed and the paint removed.  I guess it was itchy.  At the Rodeo, Daniel enjoyed the petting
zoo and found this alpaca wanted to be his friend.

Daniel is a very active 5 year old who enjoys swimming and playing soccer.  He loves nothing better than playing soccer against Grandma in the park.  This summer he learned to ride his bike and learned bike safety at a kids' pedal camp.  Fun summer!

It Has Been Awhile

I need to catch up on 6 months of happenings in the lives of the Southwood gypsies.  We arrived home from the sunny south in time for this big event.....the birth of Ian Robert Fredrick Hendry May 21st, 2015, @ 8:55pm, weighing 7 lbs 12 oz at the  Misericordia Hospital in Edmonton AB. The name Robert comes from Michael's Dad and
 Fredrick in memory of Nadine's Great Uncle Fred who married Michael and Nadine in 2005 and sadly passed away Dec 26, 2014. Ian is a cute little guy and Daniel loves him to bits.  Daniel is so gentle and so loving of his little brother.  There was an adjustment period for Daniel in the first few weeks, but that was quickly remedied.  Daniel spent a lot of time with us as Mommy and Daddy first adjusted to a new little one at home and Ian's schedule.  Nadine is so much more relaxed this time as she knows what to expect.  Ian latched on very quickly...he is a hungry little one!