Our View from our Site |
Next stop was a week's stay in Bullhead City!
While in Yuma, we visited the Swap Meet/Flea market. On our way out, I stopped by a kiosk that was giving out a flyer for a resort in Bullhead City, for $99 for a week. I was skeptical but decided to check it out, although we were certain it was a timeshare type discount where one is obligated to sit in on a pressure driven presentation to purchase. As it turned out, it was not and we enjoyed a wonderful week here. Our friends, Ab and Esther joined us for an overnight on their way home to Sudbury/Orillia from Long Beach. I was able to get their stay through Passport America for $19.00, an unheard of bargain these days!
The View at night |
It was hot; we walked the resort daily and ran our AC through the day, but it did cool off at night which was great for sleeping. Lots of shopping and casinos but we stayed close to the resort. We did enjoy a Sunday morning brunch at the nearby Black Bear which was very good. On to Pahrump NV.
Sunset |