Tuesday, March 31, 2015

January Travels and Windshield Replacement

January found us travelling in California...Bakersfield, Mountain Lakes in Lytle Creek, and San Jacinto, where we could  Fred's Celebration of Life and while we were in San Diego (more about this in another post.)
 San Jacinto was an interesting experience...it had been a run down drug haven, but with new owners and many evictions, it was purging itself of undesirables.  It was here that we met Dave and Eleanor  from Nelson BC and Ron and Joyce from Nebraska and with whom we played Pegs and Jokers.
It was here also that we had the windshield replaced by a mobile unit from Perry's Auto Repair from San Bernardino.  Old one out and new one in, in one hour...amazing!  The pictures tell the story!

Old windshield being removed with suction cups

Old one out!

New windshield in crate (came from Indiana)

Uncrated and cleaning

New one up and out of crate to be installed

Up and in...please don't let it slip or drop!

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