Friday, May 30, 2014

Daniel at Soccer

Saturday morning is soccer.  Ever seen ten or so little munchkins all running after the same ball, no matter what team?  So cute.  The coaches are so good with the kids.  They get to play different obstacle courses and have water breaks often, then they split the team and play a short game against another team .  At the end there is a snack time where each parent is scheduled to bring treats for the kids.  Well this particular Saturday, watermelon was the snack, Daniel's favourite and he made sure he had a front row seat.  We had to watch that he didn't put his rind back on the tray of slices.  At one point he had a piece of watermelon in each hand and was eating from both.  What a hoot! A great way to spend an early Saturday morning!
He is fully dressed in soccer attire, complete with shin pads and socks; their tem is the grey team and so all the kids on his team wear a grey shirt, large enough that it can be worn over a coat or sweater.  Dapper!

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