Monday, September 30, 2013

Ancient Forest

 The Ancient Forest, about an hours drive from prince George provided us a beautiful hike in a lush and jungle like forest on a beautiful warm 27C Sunday.  The entrance is a very well constructed boardwalk built by volunteers providing a safe walkway for all including the physically challenged.  The trees are huge cedars and redwoods that tower above the forest floor...a huge amount of rain has provided the necessary food and nutrition for their lush growth.  It was a very quiet and peaceful hike up a mountainside and through a fine example of a lush forest.  Many of the trees
 do not stand alone but usually in odd numbers, forming a circle as one looks skyward.  A waterfall  flanked by banks of moss trickled over rocks.  Clubfoot, the red berry type flower presented a shot of colour in contrast to various greens.  The Giant claims to be 5 metres or 16 feet in diameter.  Huge!
Small dainty white flowers sure were diminished by thsese nearby giants and yet thrive where they can be bathed in sunshine!  Incredible day and fun to be able to hike with Kendra.

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