Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy 2014!

Happy New Year, family and friends!

Wishing you all the best for 2014!  Bill and I attended a dance party at the Emerald Pointe Clubhouse!  We old guys even got up to dance several times.  Our DJ played mostly 50's and 60's music so we recognized and could sing some of the words.  Each of us brought snacks/appetizers to share and we kept them at our table.Wonderful food and good music and we rang in the New Year with wine!  Happy 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Winston is dressed for Christmas!

 I had to snap these quickly, as  as fast as I put the hat on, Winston pawed it off!  It was a little cool Christmas Day so Winston needed a coat.  All we had was an argyle blue, not really Christmassy and quite big, but it worked.  Our Boxing Day expenditure was this new coat at 50 % reduction...he is ready for next Christmas!  He did get toys though...an armadillo, a rope type toy and a hard bone.  He is not too spoiled!

Dade City Lights

 For three nights prior to Christmas, 4 0r 5 blocks of Dade City's Church St closes to traffic and lights up with luninaries lining the sidewalks.  An unbelievable sight; each home had a large Christmas Card theme with greetings to visitors as they ambled the street.  Entertainment attracted many viewers as carollers, instrumentalists and choirs performed.  Churches, as this was Sunday night, had evening services and they were opened to the public.  The lights below were set to music and even a conductor added to the setting.

 This house was magnificent with its white lights and candy cane lane and paths.  WOW! was all we could say...huge crowds gathered here to take it all in.  Just amazing!

I have no pictures, but the four of us also enjoyed the Walk to Bethlehem, enacted by Richland Baptist Church.  Live donkeys, goats and sheep were part of the setting.  An excellent  ventriloquist entertained  and told the Christmas story prior to our group being led on the Walk.  Very well done!

Christmas Eve, we attended a candlelight service at Zephyrhills Wesleyan Church.  Brief but well done!  A great way to get into the Spirit of Christmas!  It is because of the Birth of the Baby, our Lord Jesus, that we celebrate this season and we were thankfully remnided of that very clearly!

Plant City Car Show under Christmas Lights

 Not far from here, Plant City offers a car show the third Saturday of the month during Snowbird season.  Christmas lights added to this 100-150 car show.    We met Wayne Copeland who owns the Meteor in the second picture; we bought the 1954 Victoria from him in the 80's.  Good to see him again and to know that he is still in the classic car business.
Blair knows so many of the car buffs; indeed there are many in our park and some from his New Brunswick car club.  This area is a car buff mecca!
 Joan was not feeling well so she and I did a lot of resting and chatting.  She was short of breath and lacking in energy.  ill and Blair toured the area a couple of times.  The lights were beautiful.  A very nice evening!

Christmas Lights on 39

 This was an unbelievable sight!  Gazillions of lights decorated this huge country property and all was set to music, a nearby radio station, that you could tune in on your vehicle radio.  His electric bill must be atrocious unless he has some sponsors but it sure is beautiful!  The camera does not do it justice.  The only drawback is it creates a traffic hazard and there is not enough roadside parking for all who wish to stop and gaze.  It must take a very long time to set up.  I wonder where he stores it all????  WOW!  AMAZING!

A Jasper Christmas!

 Michael, Nadine and Daniel met Kendra in Jasper for a Christmas weekend fun in the snow.  They rented a cottage in December to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts and so Kendra could see Daniel once again.  The weather for the drive from Edmonton and Prince George was iffy as there had been new snows for the few days before.  Both had their doubts about the drive, but everything worked out fine.  Both had white-knuckled drives to Jasper but the return trip was ok.    While there, they skyped the opening of their gifts and I took pictures of the screen...just like we were there.  Missed the hugs though!
Daniel was super-excited to see Aunt Kendra and to see what Santa had delivered.  This was one of his gifts along with a camera for kids that operates just like a digital.  Pictures can be downloaded too.  I think they wen tobogganing in the fresh snow and got lots of fresh air.  of course no one travels to Jasper without a feed of fresh cinnamon bums from the local bakery.  Yummy breakfast!  All too soon, the weekend came to and end...but Kendra is now halfway through her residency programme. 

 Michael opened his handcrafted wood clock and light switch for his office that we were able to find in LaConner, WA last April on our way home from the south.
Daniel watched as Aunt Kendra opened her shirt and earrings...I think a birthday gift from Nadine. Michael and Daniel
 Nice to chat with Nadine.  Kendra had knit her a beautiful scarf of alpaca wool...gorgeous!  A great weekend!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Introducing Winston

Introducing Winston, our 8 month old Yorkiepoo; he is a designer dog (these used to be called mutts) part Yorkie and part Poodle.   His size is more poodle but his colouring is more Yorkie.  Poodle face, yorkie ears and docked tail.  We purchased him, after a very long search which began before we left Edmonton, in Umatilla Florida from Leah who had purchased him for her small sons.  Sadly it did not work out as puppy and sons did not get along; sons are 3 and 1 1/2 years, a little young for a young puppy.  He is so smart and he is so good.  Easy to train. house broken and so friendly.  His fur is very soft.

Took him to the veterinarian Dr Jarod Lazarus in Zephyrhills FL( this is where we had Caper put to sleep) on Wed 27th for a checkup and all his shots.  He was poked from stem to stern and did not appreciate the needles he received.  Boosters will be given Dec 18th. He is healthy although he needed treatment for hook worms.  Nasty things, those.

Oh yes, forgot to tell you.  Winston was my birthday gift, received him Nov 25th.  On the 26th, my birthday, Joan and Blair, Mike and Bill took me to the Olive Garden  and Mike presented me with a dozen roses.  They are beautiful.  Later, I chatted with the kids and Daniel sang "Happy Birthday to you, cha cha cha!" on Skype.  What a wonderful day!


Sadly we said "so Long" to our 12 year 9 month old mini schnauzer, Caper.  He was such a good dog, despite his quirks and will be forever missed.  He suffered a stroke in May 2012 which we thought then would be his demise but surprisingly with a "shoe" modification and a harness, he was able to recover. Pancreatitis had been his enemy since 2010 and so food specially cooked, brown rice, chicken and pumpkin, this was somewhat under control. Insulin administered twice a day kept his diabetes under control.  His eyesight failed completely upon Cowboy's passing, so his last year was stressful for him.  He was an amazingly tenacious friend and each time some new illness came along he/we dealt with it and came through.  A severe stroke Nov 13 though was more than his body was able to deal with.  He could no longer stand on his own and hold his head up.  Sadly, Bill and I made the decision to peacefully let him forever sleep.  We know that he and Cowboy along with Sascha are frolicking at the Rainbow Bridge, no longer suffering or in pain. Rest in Peace, Baby Boy. We love you. :-)

The Hologram $10 bill

Congratulations to our son-in-law, Dr. Michael Hendry, who spoke and unveiled the new $10.00 bill introduced Nov 7, 2013.  Michael has done extensive research and study related to the stabilization of soils on the CN/CP Rail both in N Ireland and in W Canada and represented both the University of Alberta and CN.  The same day, the new $5.00 bill was introduced by Chris Hadfield.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Cowboy

 There is the Cowboy in all of us, but when you are dressed like one, you become, "The Dude"  I love the cowboy hat with the crocs!  One of the playdates Daniel enjoys is going to the park in the schoolyard at the end of his street.  There, one will find a car, complete with steering wheels for all, a couple of slides and steps to raised platforms and lots of sand.  We love to take him here for some fun and he loves to play with us there as well.  He was a little reluctant to try the slide at first, and rode down on my lap, but now he doesn't need Grandma anymore.  He can do it himself!

Here the fashionitsa is showing off his crown that he twisted together out of twist ties.  We took his daddy out to the Burger Bar for his birthday and our final night in Edmonton before hitting the road for ON.  A fun night, but one which he realized how much he will miss us in the next six months.  He was upset and sad...can we keep doing this, leaving him behind???  Not sure about that, but I do know for sure that we don't want to winter in bone chilling Edmonton anytime soon!


 In September, we took Daniel to Jurassic Forest, north of Edmonton.  This is a very unique park.  Dinasaurs have bben built in a forest setting; most moved and there was a tape of the specific dinosaur's sounds, activated by a sensor, likely triggered by body movement.  Daniel prefered to play in the sand and was somewhat apprehensive of these very large creatures.  It was a very warm, sunnt day as we meandered along the boardwalk to view each of the dino types. 

This is an example of a dino. a T-Rex which Daniel identified right away.  We completed the tour and then we went for dinner at Mickey D's, a treat for Daniel.  A great day of mostly playing in the sand or on the slide!

Sunsets over St Albert

 This is the West, the land of the most beautiful sunsets.  Many times during the week, we would be treated to these gorgeous reds, yellow and oranges, hues of pink, some vivid, some muted, but each beautiful as the sun sets and reflects off the clouds.  What beauty!  What a privilege to witness this beauty! I hope that heaven is like this!

St Albert Views

 This is the boardwalk to the Lois Hole Provincial Park adjacent to the town of St Albert.  Unlike most provincial parks, this one is a wetland and migratory flight path for birds travelling south in the Fall and north in the Spring.  It is 1000's of acres in size, a shallow lake with lots of food for the birds.  Petrocan has supported this project with a grant to build a boardwalk through the swampy area and hundreds of volunteers from the area have helped to set this up.  This is very close to the Kinsman Campground where we will stay in 2014.
 Close by also is miles of hiking/walking/biking trails that lead to the downtown area of St Albert and beyond.  This is a beautiful area that we have thoroughly enjoyed, walking each day up to 5 miles, which is good for these old bones!
 A railway bridge that could have been in scenes from the Harry Potter books, but indeed it is a railway bridge over the Sturgeon R in St Albert.  Trains travel very slowly over this and the ground beneath tremors.
Another bridge, a footbridge connects both sides of the Sturgeon R and the hiking/biking paths throughout the town; this is in the Lion's Club Park in downtown St Albert.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ancient Forest

 The Ancient Forest, about an hours drive from prince George provided us a beautiful hike in a lush and jungle like forest on a beautiful warm 27C Sunday.  The entrance is a very well constructed boardwalk built by volunteers providing a safe walkway for all including the physically challenged.  The trees are huge cedars and redwoods that tower above the forest floor...a huge amount of rain has provided the necessary food and nutrition for their lush growth.  It was a very quiet and peaceful hike up a mountainside and through a fine example of a lush forest.  Many of the trees
 do not stand alone but usually in odd numbers, forming a circle as one looks skyward.  A waterfall  flanked by banks of moss trickled over rocks.  Clubfoot, the red berry type flower presented a shot of colour in contrast to various greens.  The Giant claims to be 5 metres or 16 feet in diameter.  Huge!
Small dainty white flowers sure were diminished by thsese nearby giants and yet thrive where they can be bathed in sunshine!  Incredible day and fun to be able to hike with Kendra.

Edmonton to Prince George via Chilliwack

Sheep in Jasper
Fraser Canyon near Hope
Fraser Canyon
Carved by Wind and Water
The second week of September, we took a twelve day trip to Prince George through Jasper to Chilliwack and then through the Fraser Canyon to Prince George to visit kendra.  beautiful weather, dry roads and outstanding scenery pavved the way for a great trip.  Our purpose in visiting Chilliwack was to have service completed on the motorhome by our very reliable mechanic at Agrimotive Solutions, a mechanic that can be trusted to do it right!  This is sometimes difficult to find, so we are willing to travel to one we have come to trust.  Leaving there, we travelled the beautiful Fraser Canyon through Cache Creek, 100 Mile House, 150 Mile House, Williams Lake and Quesnel.  It was a great trip!
Main Street of Quesnel