Monday, May 28, 2012

Caper's Stroke

 May 17th while having his much needed bath, Caper suffered a mild stroke that has affected his mobility on his left side by leaving him partially paralyzed; he was unable to stand on his left legs and  his walk amounted to stumbles.  His front leg to the first joint would fold under him and he dragged his back leg.  Never before had Cowboy offered to share Caper's bed, but as if he knew that Caper was unwell, he lay down beside Caper for most of this day and the next.
  It is amazing how much Caper's mobility has returned, but we have had to put a bright blue boot on his hind leg as he tends to drag it and bloody his nails.  He is walking much better this week!  We will continue to enjoy his company for awhile longer!

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