Monday, April 16, 2012

Tonopah to Battle Mountain

Single File!

Our travels began at an early 9:30 this morning as wind and rain threatened with a possibility of snow.  We needed to fuel up in town and then we were on our way.  Following 6 to 376, again the terrain was miles and miles of desert sage…no wildlife or domestic animals until we got to Big Smoky Valley.  Here, where irrigation was present were cattle and fields of hay and grass.  Large ranches set well back from the highway were evident.   

Notice the truck on the descent ahead of us!

Watched these clouds for s***, all day!
A small section of 50 on the way to Austin was a very steep climb as well as windy and the downward was just as steep and hair-pinned.  I should have known as on the map the route is marked as scenic.  We came across a copper mine, we assume was open-pit and ended our day in Battle Mountain close to train tracks, so we will be gently rocked after the whistle blows.

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