Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Lily in the Desert

Take a look at this beauty we found in the desert while walking our dogs. I am told that this is the Ajo Lily or the Desert Lily, usually found on the Sonoran Desert, but we found her at Pilot Knob in Winterhaven CA. Such a striking plant with low lying leaves, raw edged leaves. The bulbs are 18-24 inches (45-60 cm) below the desert surface and only flower in a good spring. It grows in sandy or pebbly flats. Fragrant flowers are pollinated by Hawkmoths. Tohono O'odham Indians eat the onion-flavored bulbs. Ajo means garlic in Spanish and the town of Ajo, the mountain range and valley are named after this flower. A good place to find them is Organ Pipe National Monument in southwestern Arizona which we have since visited. More about Organ Pipe in a later post.

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