Saturday, January 28, 2012

Boxing Day in Joshua National Park with Kendra

Bill, Kendra and I spent Boxing Day in Joshua National Park, about an hours drive from where we were staying in Desert Hot Springs, We took Caper and a picnic lunch and made a day of it, watching the rock climbers and doing some hiking. Because Caper cannot be on any of the trails, in fact no further than 100 metres from a parking lot, Bill and I took turns staying with him in the car. It was such a beautiful day that rock climbers abounded...the very sight of that sport scares the life from me as I dislike heights intensely. This young man is using pinions, placing them in the crevasse of this sheer incline so that he has a handhold and a place to put his feet when climbing. He makes it look so easy, BUT, I will not be lining up to try it. A great way to spend Boxing Day! Beats the shopping crowds!

Here we are, enjoying a picnic. Little did I know, I was included! Caper is showing his age(10), but he sure loves to be out and about with his family. A great day! Life is good!

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