Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daniel's First Birthday!

Where, oh where has the year gone! May 28th marked Daniel's first birthday. It seems like such a short time since we were at the Misericordia, awaiting his arrival. Now he is crawling, walking by hanging on to objects and babbling a blue streak. And eat! Everything in sight! He loves his food, especially fruit and yet stays slim and trim. It is nothing for him to eat a full grilled cheese sandwich, some veggies and his fruit for lunch! Grandma should be so lucky!
His favourite birthday gift...yep, the John Deere! Not sure, but I think he might have taken it to bed if Mommy and Daddy had let him.

Nadine did a fabulous job of creating the perfect dinner and decor on a dinosaur theme, complete with balloons, for this special day!

And what's a birthday without cake, dinosaur of course. Nadine had made a chocolate dinosaur cake for Daniel. Did he love that!!!!!! Happy First Birthday, Daniel! Since his birthday, he has sprouted his first tooth! Yeah!

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