Monday, February 14, 2011

Countertops in the Rexhall

We have been busy in the last few weeks with renos in the motorhome. Our countertops throughout were the original formica type with an oak trim, which needed to be updated. I found this wonderful product online that, when applied correctly and in the prescribed order, looks like granite. Sort of a "paint-by-number" process, while it is time consuming, the final result is, as advertised. Here is a picture of the "before" speckled formica;
and here is the finished product. We are thrilled with the finished counters. And yes, they do look like granite. The topcoat is a very hard automotive type sealer which gives a very hard and durable coating to the paint. Bill carefully siliconed around the sinks so that water cannot seep under the paint and lift it. What a difference! It is hard to believe that this is paint. Everything came in the kit...the brushes, sponges, rollers and paint tray along with the paint in numbered cans and a CD to outline the steps. I would highly recommend this works on any wood or laminate product! It is an American product, but it can be purchased in some Canadian stores. Fantastic!

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