Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hike #2 "The Hills Have Eyes"

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Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? Our second hike from Jojoba Hills took us to the Palm Canyon Trail in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. About two dozen Peninsular Bighorn sheep, an endangered species because humans have destroyed most of their habitat, their white rumps first seen high up on the craggy slopes, worked their way down, to across the wash where we were hiking. What a beautiful sight! A young, very energetic, sure-footed lamb frolicked on the rocks behind momma as if it were level ground. Rams butted heads with each other or with the rocks, while others fed on the lush ocotillo cacti. An unbelievable sight in a very peaceful setting!

This was "the pot of gold"! California Fan Palms, the only native palm to California, usually sold in nurseries and rarely found in the wild, thrive in a desert oasis on the moisture from canyon springs along an earthquake fault. The skirt of fronds touch the ground and I am told that pack rats tend to hide in them. Sure hope they are sleeping!
Again, no hike is complete without a tasty treat...this time? Blue Bunny was the choice. Ice cream, that is!

Hike along with us; copy and paste:

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