Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunny California?????

Even in California, where the sun usually shines and the skies are bright blue, we can have snow!!!!!! Monday was a Winter Wonderland! However, by Tuesday morning the snow was totally gone, even though it was still cold. Higher elevations had feet of snow; Oakhurst, the closest town to Yosemite, twelve miles from where we are staying, had a "Chains Required" flashing sign, warning us to install chains for use beyond town. We do not have chains and don't plan to purchase any either! We are NOT supposed to be in snow!!! Even today, chains are required to travel anywhere in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where Coarsegold and Yosemite and many other small towns are located. Of course, Muskoka has much more snow (four feet in two days) than we have seen. This just gives us a "taste" of what we are missing! NOT!!!!!
The citrus farmers were very worried about their crops, a billion dollar business in the San Joachim Valley, and so, irrigated and operated wind turbines to keep the warmer air circulating in sub zero temps, lasting more than six hours. Black ice and snow squalls causing visibility problems closed the nearby Interstate for two days; further south, the "Grapevine" as it is called, over the Tehachapi Mountains, a treacherous section of I-5, is often and was closed because of snowy and windy conditions.
Today, we are back to sunshine and 60 F with reported warming trends...what a welcome treat!
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