Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Children's Festival in St Albert

Daniel and I walked into St Albert from our campground to take part in the children's festival and to watch the children's play The Year with Toad and Frog.  It is an approximately 2 mile walk and while we did take a few stops along the way, we made it in time to participate in a Make Music class with percussion instruments.  he loved it.  His little body pitched and swayed with the rhythm of the tambourine in his hand and the other instruments within the tent.  He is very expressive in his musical movements and dance.  A Year with Frog and Toad captivated his attention.  He love it!
For some refreshment, he and I shared a lemonade wth fresh lemons.  It was delicious and very thirst satisfying!  A great afternoon finished off with a CNN train ride in the park...the last one of the festival!  Picture to  follow!