Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring Desert Flowers and Redbud

On our way home, we travelled huge tracts of desert in California from Rancho Cucamunga to Bakersfield.  Despite the lack of rain or moisture of any kind, there were several areas of thriving roadside Spring flowers.  Pale yellows, bright yellows, mauves and whites dotted the roadsides and rest areas. 

In Oregon, flowering Redbud in the Siskiyous beckoned us over the mountain and into the city of Medford, a sure sign of Spring.  Forythia in bright yellows also welcomed us.  The temps were a little cooler here than what we had left behind in California.  Still in shorts and capris, sweaters became the new attire, mostly to shed the wind and cooler breezes.  It was near here, in Myrtle Creek that we arranged to have two steer Toyo tires installed on the front axle of the motorhome.  The passenger tire was cupping badly so we wanted to take no chances in incurring a blowout and the damage it would cause.    Cheaper here, than in Alberta...and no tax!

Desert Walks and Sunsets

Everyone knows that I like sunrises and sunsets and their glorious bright colours and hues of pinks, reds, oranges and mauve.  These were taken in one evening from Pilot Knob in Winterhaven.  Bill is heading into the sunset with the dogs as we walked about 5 miles of the desert each day, usually first thing in the morning, noon and in the evening as the sun was setting.  The dogs loved our desert walks except for the stickers, prickly burrs that stick into their paws; they would limp and we would have to remove,  Just wet our fingers so they wouldn't stick to us and remove. Loved these beautiful sights each evening as the motorhome faced the western sky and each night we were treated to God's beautiful masterpieces.