Introducing Winston, our 8 month old Yorkiepoo; he is a designer dog (these used to be called mutts) part Yorkie and part Poodle. His size is more poodle but his colouring is more Yorkie. Poodle face, yorkie ears and docked tail. We purchased him, after a very long search which began before we left Edmonton, in Umatilla Florida from Leah who had purchased him for her small sons. Sadly it did not work out as puppy and sons did not get along; sons are 3 and 1 1/2 years, a little young for a young puppy. He is so smart and he is so good. Easy to train. house broken and so friendly. His fur is very soft.
Took him to the veterinarian Dr Jarod Lazarus in Zephyrhills FL( this is where we had Caper put to sleep) on Wed 27th for a checkup and all his shots. He was poked from stem to stern and did not appreciate the needles he received. Boosters will be given Dec 18th. He is healthy although he needed treatment for hook worms. Nasty things, those.
Oh yes, forgot to tell you. Winston was my birthday gift, received him Nov 25th. On the 26th, my birthday, Joan and Blair, Mike and Bill took me to the Olive Garden and Mike presented me with a dozen roses. They are beautiful. Later, I chatted with the kids and Daniel sang "Happy Birthday to you, cha cha cha!" on Skype. What a wonderful day!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sadly we said "so Long" to our 12 year 9 month old mini schnauzer, Caper. He was such a good dog, despite his quirks and will be forever missed. He suffered a stroke in May 2012 which we thought then would be his demise but surprisingly with a "shoe" modification and a harness, he was able to recover. Pancreatitis had been his enemy since 2010 and so food specially cooked, brown rice, chicken and pumpkin, this was somewhat under control. Insulin administered twice a day kept his diabetes under control. His eyesight failed completely upon Cowboy's passing, so his last year was stressful for him. He was an amazingly tenacious friend and each time some new illness came along he/we dealt with it and came through. A severe stroke Nov 13 though was more than his body was able to deal with. He could no longer stand on his own and hold his head up. Sadly, Bill and I made the decision to peacefully let him forever sleep. We know that he and Cowboy along with Sascha are frolicking at the Rainbow Bridge, no longer suffering or in pain. Rest in Peace, Baby Boy. We love you. :-)
The Hologram $10 bill
Congratulations to our son-in-law, Dr. Michael Hendry, who spoke and unveiled the new $10.00 bill introduced Nov 7, 2013. Michael has done extensive research and study related to the stabilization of soils on the CN/CP Rail both in N Ireland and in W Canada and represented both the University of Alberta and CN. The same day, the new $5.00 bill was introduced by Chris Hadfield.
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