Saturday, June 29, 2013

FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) Rally June 19-22, 2013 WY13

 2500 plus motorhomes of all sizes, makes, models and description decended upon the Com-Plex in Gillette WY for the 50th Anniversary celebrations June 19-22.  We crossed the border June 14th and travelled to Shelby, then Reed Point and then Buffalo WY.  We needed to dump tanks and fill the fresh water tank and arrive with motorhome and detached toad.  We were escorted to the family generator section which would permit us to run our generator from 6 am to 10 pm, if need be.  We were parked along the rail of the racetrack in a grassy, sandy location. 
Because we were first time participants along with 500 other rigs, we were invited to a reception where we learned more about what to expect in the coming days,
Up at 6 the next morning, I raced up to the registration area to line up for craft sign up.   A huge lineup and I had fortunately taken some money along so that I could pay for them, which was another lineup.  An hour later I returned for a quick breakfast and then our seminar/craft days began.   No meals were included in this rally.  And then the rains began!

 And did it rain!  Usually a late afternoon rain, but sometimes a morning shower as well.  Then Saturday, the rain, torrential in force, coupled with very gusty winds and hail hit!  I was walking to the exhibit area and was nearly blown off my feet.  Blue porta potties were "dancing" on the sidewalk. Bill was mopping up in  the rig...the wind was forcing water through our drain holes beneath the windows, sending a shower of water up the windows on the inside of the rig.  Every towel was in use for mop-up!  Also, we lost our error code came up, it would not start so we shut it down for the night.  Bummer!

Sunday morning we wondered how we were going to be able to leave the grounds.  Bill, in his wellies, commiserated with some of the guys who also wanted to leave.  We decided to wait and would have stayed for another day to wait for the grounds to dry.  Then the tow trucks began to arrive!  Yes you guessed it...we needed a tow!  Great gouges and ruts were left behind!  Memories and adventures never to be forgotten!  We did have a great time and enjoyed the craft and seminars.  There are some very knowledgeable RVers out there!  We will not discuss our issues with our Good Sam Roadside Assistance!

Daniel and his" Pedal" Bike

Daniel,now 3," pedalling his bike"!
Can't keep up now!  Daniel goes lickety split along the sidewalk, just with his feet!  Love it!  He is very careful, especially at corners, under the watchful eye of his Mommy and Daddy.  He knows to look both ways, but his daddy runs toward the corner just to be sure!  Love it! 
He starts swimming lessons the beginning of July.  Can't believe how fast he is growing up!  I want to keep him 3 forever!

Kendra's Move to Prince George BC

The Convoy: Bill in the MH, me in the Uhaul and K in the Golf
 Convoy style, we moved Kendra to prince George on June 6th  to begin her residency program at the hospital.  But let's back up a day and chat about moving from the 6th floor apt.
Bill and I were up at 5(who on earth does this when retired?) June 4th, picked up the uhaul in Richmond and arrived at Kendra's apt just before 10.  Not bad when having to travel an hour in rush hour traffic.  The moving of all her stuff was flawless; even the elevator worked!  We were finished packing at 3 and left Kendra to clean and meet with the Property Manager.
The Thompson R
 At 5, June 6th, we were up again and on the road by 8.  With a stop in 150 Mile House for fuel in all three vehicles and a Husky lunch/brunch, we set off for the last leg of the 450 mile trip...nine hours later, we pulled into the campground; set up the RV and then headed to take a first look at Kendra's new digs.  Very nice! 
Bill and I have not travelled the Fraser Canyon in a very long time so we enjoyed the trip.  June 7th, we unpacked and unloaded the truck and by noon the Uhaul was in the Prince George return lot!  It rained overnight the 6th but by 9 the sun was shining, unlike the next day when it rained all day long!  Kendra should be very happy with her new pad, close to the hospital and shopping and Saturday market.  Now the winter????????
Travels through the Fraser Canyon