Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fred and Doreen's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party September 16th, 2012

60 Years Ago
 60 years ago, Uncle Fred and Aunt Doreen were married in Aurora, ON.  I am told that Fred and Doreen met at a baseball game and after the game, Fred invited Doreen home for ice cream....the rest is HISTORY!

Although oxygen dependent, Fred was up to his usual fun and everyone had fun with both of them.  A wonderful program headed by long-time friend  Pastor Gord and F&D's present Pastor at the Alliance Church in Strathmore, pre-empted the tea and sweets.
The Happy Couple and their 60th Wedding Anniversary Cake
 An open mic allowed many friends and neighbours to express their good wishes and good health and fun stories.  A humorous skit by the Ranch Estates comedians called Kissin' and Huggin' with Fred, a spin-off, was hilarious and made for a delightful presentation leaving Fred covered in lipstick!
Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

Lipstick on the Collar and the Baldness!
Alice and Donna, friends, had prepared a lasagna dinner for family members, so we did have a time to visit.  All of our family joined them for this special event, but unfortunately Nadine and Michael had to take Daniel home early as he was coming down with a cold...we did not want to expose Fred to it.  It was a wonderful day, full of fun!  Quite a milestone!  Congratulations Fred and Doreen; thank you for your love and your faith in God that is so evident in the way in which you live and love.  We love you!

Calgary Zoo

September 15, found us taking Daniel to the Calgary Zoo, along with his Mom and Dad and Kemdra.  This is a fantastic venue for children to visit exotic and jungle animals in a safe environment.  We had a perfect weather day for the viewing of elephants, giraffe, lions, tigers, dinosaurs and Daniel knows them all.  A great family day!

One of the highlights for Daniel was a merry-go-round ride.  He was very excited to go up and down with the camel.  It was hard for him to choose which one to ride, because there were so many choices, but he does look happy with the choice he made.

A highlight for me was the butterfly enclosure.  Colourful plants. high humidity and butterflies of all colours, some very bright and others muted, made for a beautiful display.  Some would light on your hand, hair shoulder or just wherever.