In early September, we decided to make a big change. First, we bought a gently used SUV that we could tow four-down, meaning all four wheels on the road without making significant changes to the transmission. We bought a 2007 Saturn Vue. Next we went looking for a very gently used motorhome. We found one in Fairview AB....a 1994 Rexhall Aerbus. A couple of winters ago, we had visited and were impressed with the manufacturer of this small family run company of RV builders who specializes in design safety and inventive floorplans. When we purchased the motorhome, we asked the seller to winterize and find us some indoor storage as our intention was to travel in the fifth wheel for the winter. He obliged.
BUT, we decided to try to sell our F650 truck and leave our beloved Mobile Suite as a park model in Glowing Embers for the winter. Amazingly, the truck sold, leaving us scrambling to dewinterize the motorhome, return with it to Edmonton and then start to load it for the winter. We then had to winterize the fifth wheel. All of this was accomplished in about two weeks. Oh, and the motorhome needed some minor repairs which we found as we began to check its systems. Thankfully, Edmonton's beautiful Fall weather held and we found ourselves in travel mode by Oct 21. We headed to Vancouver and crossed into the USA at the end of October. California, here we come! Life is simple and very good!