Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to Daniel

After a month of travel it was really great to get back to Spruce Grove to see our grandson, Daniel. Amazing changes in a six week period! Now, he is smiling and recognizes his mommy and daddy's voices and is beginning to reach out and grasp, not to mention smiling. He has had his first inoculation, which went well. Granddad can hardly wait to see him each and every time we go for groceries. He certainly has a captive audience when we visit. Bill and I had our first baby-sitting opportunity; what fun! Both of us on the floor playing; a young'un sure brings the "kid" back to life! Daniel loves his vibrating chair and play-mat. Everything is so colourful! Baby stuff has come a long way in 30 years!

Fort Macleod and Cardston

I have been very lax in keeping up with my blog! Time flies when we are having fun!
Further to our trip to southern Alberta, we visited the town of Fort Macleod and our friends, Doug and Jean. While there, we visited the North West Mounted Police Museum. If you look closely, you will see goats eating the grass from the sod roof. Not sure if there is enough sod to supply three goats for the summer; they are very sure-footed and enjoying their afternoon in the sun.

The Musical Ride, all teenaged girls, was a delightful highlight of this visit. The Ride was very precise with complex configurations which would have demanded hours and hours of practice. Very enjoyable!

Next day, we were off to Cardston to visit the Remington Carriage Museum. Can you believe that the carriage pictured here came in kit form and could be purchased from the Sears-Roebuck catalogue for $25.00! Imagine!
Mr Remington donated his life-long collection to the Alberta Government if they would build the museum and keep his collection together. An in-house repair facility restores many of the carriages, including the wheels. This is a dying art. Amazing!
Thanks, Doug and Jean, for a very enjoyable visit and stay in your driveway!